What do Michael Jordan, New Kids on the Block and the Brown Men's Soccer Blog all have in common? No, the answer is not "they revolutionized their art form" or "they are all stunningly attractive," though those are both technically true. The answer is...comebacks! All three announced their retirement and then later announced their return to the game, in grandiose fashion.
Jordan's comeback was a tremendous success -- I'm pretty sure he won sixteen championships after rejoining the NBA. The New Kids on the Block will be a miserable failure -- boy band success does not equal man band success. And the Brown Men's Soccer blog will, by all accounts, set a new standard for comeback excellence, eclipsing even Jordan himself.
Though I am no longer a member of the men's soccer staff, I, your humble correspondent, will be traveling with the team to Buenos Aires on June 8, as they tour the country, play professional teams, learn important cross-cultural lessons, and discover that Madonna was not, in fact, the president of Argentina. It is destined to be an educational and unforgettable trip, and I look forward to inadequately describing it.
In all seriousness, I traveled to Brazil in 1999 with the Brown team, and it was one of the most unforgettable, eye-opening experiences of my life. This trip should be no different, and I look forward to sharing the team's many wonderful experiences with you. On that note, please don't forget to donate money toward this valuable cause.
See you (sort of) in Arr-hen-teen-ah!