Tuesday, September 04, 2007


At the end of every preseason, the team gets together for a Brown Soccer tradition: skits. The freshmen go first, then the sophomores, juniors, seniors and coaching staff, all taking turns doing impressions of one another. As you might imagine, fifteen straight days together results in an endless amount of material, and some truly classic moments arise. All in all, skits are a great way for the team to get together, eat pizza, and laugh at each other and themselves, but mostly at each other.

While the skits are almost never made public, we have decided to give you, our loyal blog readers, an inside peek. Because I mean really, how can I deny you the chance to watch players do impressions of Noonan, Ryan and Murph??

Here is brave freshman Sean McGrath '11 doing a spot-on impression of Assistant Coach Ken Murphy:

And here is the senior class doing Noonan, Murph, Ryan and Nic Rossi:

Matt Britner '07.5 as Mike Noonan (MN)
Laurent Manuel '08 as Ken Murphy (KM)
John Behrendt '08 as Ryan Levesque (RL)
Kevin Davies '08 as Nic Rossi


Anonymous said...


First of all, congrats to the team and the coaches for a great victory over Santa Clara.

Matt's Noonan imitation is priceless. He actually looks like Mike in the shadows of the video.

Thanks for all your good humor.


Anonymous said...

thank God there was never any video of us "imitating Cliff"

This guy was easier the Richard Nixon to take on And if you don't believe me, ask Dom Starsia who now heads Virginia's lacrosse team.

"half of you go with Gerts, half of you go with Starsia, and the rest come with me"

quote from the imortal Cliff Stevenson

congrats on the great start to the season (and surviving the pre-season death march) I saw both games and the chemistry and fitness were strongly in evidence

d flaschen